what does it mean to be a part of "we the people?


What does it mean to be homo?

to be human


God has made humans unlike from all other created beings. Humans have a physical body and a spiritual component: a soul and/or spirit. Office of this immaterial aspect is the possession of intellect, emotion, and a volition. Human beings are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). Human beings are different from angels, which take no physical body, and animals, which do not reflect the imago dei.

There are diverse unbiblical views of what it ways to be homo. Classic Gnosticism, for example, takes the view that mankind is primarily a pure, spiritual entity shackled by an unwieldy, decadent body. Other views, such as naturalism, meet mankind every bit a wildly complex, physical machine with no spirit at all—whatever feelings, thoughts, or inspirations we experience are solely the byproduct of chemical reactions within our brains. Neither of these extremes has any biblical support.

To be human means to bear the image of God. We are not divine, but we reflect divinity. God has a mind, emotions, and volition. Equally image-bearers, we, too, take intellect, emotions, and a volition. We possess creativity, inventing, fabricating, synthesizing, making music, and creating all types of artwork. We possess the gift of linguistic communication, relating thoughts from i self-enlightened mind to another, learning thousands of words and coining new words when nosotros need them. We are driven to proper noun and classify the animals, just like our father Adam did (Genesis two:19– 20). Because we are created in the prototype of God, we have a basic dignity and inherent significance.

To be human means to have a purpose. God'southward stated assignment to Adam and Eve was to "be fruitful and increase in number; fill the world and subdue information technology. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the footing" (Genesis 1:28). We still fulfill this purpose when we domesticate animals, use natural resource, shape nature, and carve out an being even in the harshest environments. Simply we are more than tenders of the planet. Our purpose includes knowing God and having a human relationship with Him. Our highest purpose is to glorify God: "All things have been created through [the Son] and for him" (Colossians 1:xvi).

To be man is to have needs. Only God is self-sustaining and self-sufficient. Nosotros accept needs of body, soul, and spirit. Our bodies must receive food, beverage, and rest in order to survive. Our souls must have fellowship with others, outlets for inventiveness, and times of mental, emotional, and aesthetic stimulation in order to maintain wellness. Our spirits must feed on the Word of God and take a relationship with Christ (Luke 4:4; John 6:35). Anyone who denies his or her needs in whatsoever of these three areas is refusing to acknowledge part of his or her humanity.

To be human being means to be morally responsible. We have the power to discern what is right and wrong. Our father Adam had a free will and was held responsible for the moral choice he made to obey or disobey His Creator; unfortunately, he chose to disobey God (Genesis 2:16–17). All humanity shares the same moral responsibility, and we are all under the same moral imperative to obey God. "The righteousness of the righteous volition be credited to them, and the wickedness of the wicked will be charged confronting them" (Ezekiel eighteen:twenty).

To be man means to be sinful, at least for now. Unfortunately, nosotros are all sinners (Romans 3:23; v:12). We have cleaved God's laws and gone our own fashion instead (Isaiah 53:6; 1 John 3:four). Our sin has separated us from our Creator and acquired us to exist spiritually dead (Ephesians 2:1–x). We are enslaved to sin, unable to gratuitous ourselves from the havoc it wreaks (Romans 6:23). Without intervention, we are condemned to an eternity apart from God (John 3:16–eighteen). To the praise and glory of God, nosotros do not have to remain in this condition. There is redemption available in Jesus Christ. Because of Jesus' cede on the cross, our sins tin exist forgiven, and we can be restored into relationship with God (John iii:16–xviii; Ephesians ii:8–9). To be human ways to be loved by God and given the hazard to become children of God (John one:12; three:16).

The Bible says that the Son of God took on homo flesh and became the Son of Human as well. Jesus Christ came from heaven, lived a sinless life, died on the cantankerous every bit a cede for our sin, and then rose again to life. All who put their faith in Christ are given His righteousness (two Corinthians 5:21). We are made new (ii Corinthians 5:17), and the Holy Spirit indwells the states (Ephesians ane:13–fourteen). Information technology is the death and resurrection of Christ that makes all the difference to humanity.

In the terminate, to be human is not plenty. Humanity is corrupted by sin and faces the certain judgment of God. Merely the redeemed human volition come across God and live with Him forever. Simply those in Christ volition feel a removal of the corruption and the wiping away of every tear. "Very truly I tell you lot, no i can see the kingdom of God unless they are born over again" (John iii:3).

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Questions about Humanity

What does it mean to be human?

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This page last updated: Jan 4, 2022


Source: https://www.gotquestions.org/to-be-human.html

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